Stay Sober; Have a Beer
Where alcohol is concerned the dutch population can be divided in two sub-classes. The ones that drink and the ones that don't. Don't know much about the actual percentages, but my gut feeling tells me a majority of the adult population is dtinking alcohol. If you remember the breezer discussion, you are perfectly entitled to think a lot of minors are using it too, but thats not what i'm trying to deal with here. I wanted to share some thoughts about a subdivison in the alcohol drinking adult population. Subdividing is possible here too. I am focusing on the ones who drink beer and the ones who drink wine. There is a crowd which foregoes both, but thats another post. I am not talking about the people who use all of it either. These people usually fall into the category of alcoholics. Back to beer and wine. The dutch have been beerdinkers for ages. Wine is a recent addendum to dutch drinking pattern. Wine consumption figures have soared. But beer is still the beverage of choice for most dutch. It's affordable, wonderful on a hot summer day and you don't have to teach yourself a foreign language be able to read the label. Wine used to be something for the very wealthy, the dutch nobility; nowadays the middle-classes are drinking it too in a futile attempt to elevate themselves. As you might guess; I'm not really the wine drinking type. I like a white wine on a sunny afternoon, but that's about as far as it goes. The rest of the time I turn my back on elevating myself. My adage: stay sober, have a beer!
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