Sunday, February 05, 2006

Love Hangover

Valentine's day. Yuk. I see advertisements in newspapers. Surprise your sweetheart! Take her out for dinner! Come to our place! We'll give you a reward and a free glass of champaign! Valentine's day still is something relatively new to the Netherlands. But it has gained momentum, especially in the past five years. I think it's a little strange. What makes me say that? I just take a look at the day after. Then you see the concept of eternal love is quickly disappearing behind the dutch horizon. Divorce rates are rising. And its not adultery that makes dutch couples split up. Some people are even starting to get worried over the impact it might have on the education of dutch youngsters and family life in general. People seem to forget about that, when february 14th is approaching. After that they wake up with a love hangover. Another good reason to say sober .


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just came across your blog! Nice concept to put up the paintings (or the pics of paintings) at the beginning of each post!

6:04 PM  
Blogger OtH said...

Thanks Sue. Nice of you to say so. I thought of the paintings because i wanted to show something about 17th century netherlands in images rather than in words.

9:27 PM  

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