Democratic Party
This weekend its 'carnaval'. Don't ask me to give a translation. Its something they do in New Orleans (Mardi Gras) in Rio de Janeiro and yes in Tilburg too. People change into something uncommon. They leave their homes to meet friends, relatives and people they don't know in bars, cafe's, parlors, canteens and other places where people meet. Usually it continues after midnight and goes along with some rather serious beer-drinking. You meet folks old and young and of all socio-economic backgrounds. A very democratic party. All this goes on for four days; if you're really in shape that is. Nothing else to think about. Just get up, get dressed, start drinking, eat a little and go on until you go to sleep again. I've left my carnival days far behind me. I like to watch the parade, but that's as far as I get into it. Sometimes I feel a little sad about it, but I have to admit to myself that I'm not really the party type anymore.
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