I've looked it up and it doesn't exist. Some of you may have heard about electrosmog, but I don't think anyone ever came across electrofog. Its easy. Electrofog is the residue that clutters your head when there's too much electrosmog in the air. Electrosmog comes from microwaves, mobile phones, dect phones, wireless networks, that kind of stuff. I didn't make it up, really. All week my head was cluttered with quarrelling kids, birdflunews, work-related stress and coldplay-speed-of-sound music. So this weekend I tried to do as little as possible, just to clear my mind again. I spent my Sunday afternoon eating my way into a can of green olives, reading a Donna Leon novel and yes, listening to speed of sound. My head does feel a little better, which is kind of strange. The electrosmog still is here, even after kicking out my dect-phone. So is the fine dust which has reached inadmissible heights in the grey Dutch sky. I will admit the fog in my head is not only due to pollution of whatever kind you may think of. Perhaps it can be attributed to some questionable habits, like excessive coffee-drinking and smoking high potential Brazilian cigars as well. But granted that, you will have to admit to me, that there are a lot of things in the air which weren't around some four hundred years ago. Dutch skies have changed, definitely. You may think I'm paranoid and deluded, but if so, will you please make allowances for the amount of electrosmog in the neighborhood.
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